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Once, a man asked my why I would want to write fiction. Days later, I had an answer:
If I could not write, I would sing
If I could not sing, I would play
If I could not play, I would dance
If I could not dance, I would paint
If I could not paint, I would sculpt
For if my heart had no voice, it would surely die.
So here I am, a science fiction and fantasy author, and I want to tell you a story. I’ve released Narcolepsy Falls Asleep, the first novella about a superhero whose power is falling asleep. (The second one, Narcolepsy is Shocked, is about half done.)
Prodigy’s Loss, the first novella in the Clark Family Legend series, is scheduled to debut August 10, 2019.
My epic fantasy series, The Dreaming King Saga is complete at five books. It started as three books-a classic trilogy-but somewhere along the way it turned in to five books. Some of the less obvious things I did in this series are: Having an Epic Fantasy king who is not a warrior and does not fight. He’s a scholar. I also made a nation where winter court is in the mountains and summer court is out on the plains. The country of Dendalen is also a dual-culture, since the Paluan Empire had ruled the plains for a century. When the mountain people drove the empire out, some people and some culture stayed.
I have another project in the wings, a near-future science fiction series (at least one book, probably three or more) about artificial intelligence and the future of computing, where I get to use some of my day-job knowledge of system administration, computers, and the cloud. The series is the Wetware Wizards. Unfortunately, I have to change the title of the first book, so I can’t tell you what it is yet.
Come along on this journey to strange and wondrous lands where can learn more of what it is to be human.
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